We had a great evening at the Embassy of Chile, celebrating the launch of ‘Mi Querido Imperial’. Here are some photos to give a flavour of the evening.
The Ambassador, Mr David Gallagher
With Catalina Herrera Acuña, Cultural Affairs and Press Attaché for the Embassy of Chile, and Steffan Glynn, the cover designer for ‘Mi Querido Imperial’.
Signing a copy for the Chilean author J T Blackie, Juanita Ozamiz.
With Paloma Zozaya, author, and guest
Paloma Zozaya, author, in charge of readings and questions.
Sophie Lloyd-Owen, introducing Victorina Press in the absence of the founder (due to illness), Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes.
With Adam Feinstein, acclaimed author.
With Sophie and Jorge from Victorina Press.
With the Ambassador, David Gallagher, and Sophie Lloyd-Owen and Jorge Vasques, from Victorina Press.
Sophie Lloyd-Owen, Victorina Press.
With Paloma Zozaya, making last minute notes ahead of the launch.
Taking questions from the audience with Paloma Zozaya
With Steffan Glynn, book cover designer for ‘Mi Querido Imperial’, and ‘My Beautiful Imperial’.
With Mr David Gallagher, Ambassador.
The Ambassador, Mr David Gallagher, welcoming everyone at the start of the event.
Fermin Pavez, author.
Steffan Glynn, designer.
With Heidi Hurst, graphic designer.
With the Chilean author J T Blackie, Juanita Ozamiz.
Pilar Cerón Durán and family.