HG Wells Short Story Competition


I’m thrilled to be included on the shortlist of the HG Wells Short Story Competition with The Last Flight of La Librairie d’Afrique du Nord. It’s a story I started writing last year and completed during lockdown. Shortlisted stories are published in the competition’s anthology, so anyone interested will get a chance to read it there in due course. The awards ceremony will take place on 22 November.

Herbert George Wells (1866 - 1946) was an English writer who wrote novels, short stories, biography, autobiography, and works of social commentary, history and satire. Today, he is best rememberd for his science fiction novels, including The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The War of the Worlds. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times.

HG Wells was a diabetic. In 1934, he co-founded The Diabetic Association which is known today as Diabetes UK.