Eternal, award-winning short stories from around the world

The anthology of international short stories is now available to buy through Hammond House publishing. My story, At a Junction, which won third prize, is included in the collection.

Mae'r gyfrol o storïau byrion ar gael nawr drwy'r cyhoeddwyr, Hammond House. Mae'r stori, At a Junction, yn y gyfrol.

'A refreshingly brilliant collection of short stories, each cleverly crafted by hidden masters of the art’. Stewart Spendlow - Best Selling Author.

‘This superb anthology gathers some of the best in modern writing from around the world’ Hugh Riches, Writer and Broadcaster.

'The depth and breadth of this truly imaginative and inspiring body of work reflects the different sectors of society and many regions and countries that have found their way to the University Centre Grimsby to compete in the Hammond house International poetry prize.’ Christopher Sanderson.

'The theme of Eternal is explored in a myriad of interesting, mysterious and sometimes, amusing ways. We are privileged to publish such an outstanding collection of work and hope you enjoy these inspiring stories and poetry from around the world.'
Ted Stanley


Y Gambo

Cyhoeddwyd y darn ma yn y Gambo yn ddiweddar. Diolch i Mary Jones am y darn ac i Jon Meirion am y llun.

This item was published in the Gambo recently. Thank you to Mary Jones for the piece and to Jon Meirion for the photograph. Translation here:

'Shortly before Christmas a local 'girl' came to Cardigan Castle to launch her first novel, 'My Beautiful Imperial'. Rhiannon Lewis is the daughter of 'Brynllynan' (Farm), Ferwig, although she now lives near Abergavenny. Years ago, she discovered an old picture in one of the outbuildings at Brynllynan and when she asked her parents about it, she was told that the subject of the picture was her great, great uncle, David Davies. As a young lad, he had gone to sea from Cardigan, and after years of effort rose to be the captain of his own ship. 'My Beautiful Imperial' is the story of how he was caught up in the civil war in Chile in 1891. Rhiannon has done an incredible amount of research as background for the novel, and it is a story which grips from the very beginning - especially so for readers from this area. Get a copy immediately. It is available from Awen Teifi (Cardigan) and every good book shop.'

For those of you who are not familiar with the 'papurau bro', they are unique Welsh language newspapers which are run by and for the community. They exist in most parts of Wales and are great sources of local news and a fantastic resource for learning Welsh, for those who are interested. Each one has a different name. The word 'Gambo' is a word that was commonly used in Ceredigion and describes a kind of cart, a familiar form of transport in years gone by.

Gambo - Rhiannon 2.jpg

Englynion Jon Meirion Jones

Braint ac anrhydedd oedd derbyn yr englynion hyn oddi wrth Jon Meirion Jones yn ddiweddar. 

It was an honour and a privilege to receive these 'englynion' from Jon Meirion Jones recently. 


I gyfarch Rhiannon Lewis ar achlysur cyhoeddi ei nofel gyntaf - 'My Beautiful Imperial' yng Nghastell Aberteifi nos Sadwrn 16eg Rhagfyr, 2017


Pur yw ias Valparaiso, - y mae'n rhwym

mewn rhamant a chyffro;

ein braint am forwriaeth bro -

Rhiannon wnaeth olrheinio.


Heno, penllanw anian, - llawenydd

a llên dawn Brynllynan;

'rwy'n dyheu, a chreu o'ch rhan

daw rhagor o'r darogan.


Jon Meirion Jones yn lansiad Aberteifi. Jon Meirion Jones at the Cardigan launch.Llun gan Keith Morris. Photograph by Keith Morris.

Jon Meirion Jones yn lansiad Aberteifi. Jon Meirion Jones at the Cardigan launch.

Llun gan Keith Morris. Photograph by Keith Morris.

Hammond House International Short Story Competition 11 December 2017

It's taken a while to catch up with everything that happened in December! My short story, At a Junction, was awarded third prize in the Hammond House International Short Story competition on the 11th December. Entries were received from all over the world, and it was a great honour to attend the award ceremony in Grimsby. It was the weekend of the snow - hence the big jumper! My story is being published in the anthology, Eternal, which is due out in January 2018. Copies can be bought directly from Hammond House.

Mae wedi cymryd tipyn o amser i ddala lan a phob peth ddigwyddodd yn mis Rhagfyr 2017! Enillodd fy stori fer, At a Junction, y drydedd wobr yng Nghystadleuaeth Ryngwladol Hammond House. Derbyniwyd ceisiadau o'r byd eang. Penwythnos yr eira oedd hi - y rheswm am y siwmper gynnes! Roedd yn anrhydedd mawr cael mynd i'r seremoni wobrwyo yn Grimsby. Bydd y stori yn cael ei chyhoeddi yn y casgliad, Eternal, fydd yn dod allan ym mis Ionawr 2018. Gellir prynu copïau yn syth o Hammond House.

Novela My Beautiful Imperial realiza su lanzamiento oficial en la embajada de Chile

La escritora galesa Rhiannon Lewis presentó su novela My Beautiful Imperial en la sala de eventos de la embajada. La novela, inspirada en las aventuras del tátara tío de la autora, narra la historia de David Jefferson Davies, quien viajó a Chile a fines del siglo pasado como marinero en su propio navío: el Imperial. En el punto culmine de su carrera, terminó viéndose implicado en la Guerra Civil de 1891, luego de que el presidente Balmaceda tomase posesión de su embarcación. Esto llevó a que David terminase viviendo en el país por décadas.

El libro fue publicado por la editorial Victorina Press, cuya Directora es la escritora, académica y socióloga chilena-británica Consuelo Rivera Fuentes. La Sra. Rivera Fuentes inauguró Victorina Press el año pasado con la intención de ofrecer una plataforma nueva para historias inspiradoras y originales. Tiene una especial inclinación por propiciar las relaciones culturales entre Chile y Reino Unido a través de la literatura.

Ambas forman parte de la Anglo Chilean Society, organización a través de la cual se conocieron y les fue posible forjar su lazo profesional y su amistad.

Rhiannon Lewis ha combinado por años la escritura de cuentos con su carrera en comunicaciones y relaciones públicas. Luego de haber ganado diversos premios por sus cuentos, Lewis se lanzó en la aventura de escribir su primera novela, My Beautiful Imperial. Actualmente se encuentra trabajando en una colección de cuentos, y en una secuela para su novela.

Durante el lanzamiento, Lewis leyó pasajes de la novela y fue entrevistada por Consuelo Rivera Fuentes frente a una sala llena. Posterior a la tertulia los asistentes adquirieron copias del libro firmadas por su autora, y disfrutaron de una recepción.

Published on the Embassy of Chile website. Read the article here


Lansiad Aberteifi - Cardigan Launch

Roedden i mor falch i fod nol yn Aberteifi ar y 16eg o Ragfyr. Noson arbennig arall yng nghwmni teulu, cymdogion a hen ffrindiau. Lluniau gan Keith Morris.

It was great to be back in Cardigan on the 16th December. Another lovely evening in the company of family, neighbours and old friends. Photographs by Keith Morris.

Lansiad y Fenni - Abergavenny launch

Diolch i bawb ymunodd a ni am noson arbennig yn y Capel, Stryd y Farchnad, Y Fenni ar nos Wener, 15 Rhagfyr. Lluniau gan Leighton Morris.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for a special evening at the Chapel, Market Street, Abergavenny on Friday evening, 15 December. Photographs by Leighton Morris.

Lansiadau yn Y Fenni ac Aberteifi/ Launches in Abergavenny and Cardigan

Y Capel, Stryd y Farchnad, Y Fenni/The Chapel, Market Street, Abergavenny. 7pm nos Wener/Friday evening, 15 Rhagfyr/December 2017.


Castell Aberteifi, Aberteifi/Cardigan Castle, Cardigan. 7pm nos Sadwrn, Saturday evening, 16 Rhagfyr/December 2017


Os hoffech ymuno a ni, rhowch wybod i fi ar

If you would like to join us, let me know at


Os nad ydych chi'n gallu cyrraedd y lansiadau, mae modd prynu'r llyfr ar Amazon.

If you're unable to reach the launches, it is possible to buy the books on Amazon.

Launch - My Beautiful Imperial - The Embassy of Chile, 7 December 2017

Diolch i Lysgenhadaeth Chile, Victorina Press a phawb ymunodd a ni ar y noson, teulu a ffrindiau da. Lluniau gan Roger Alarcon.

Thank you to the Embassy of Chile, Victorina Press and everyone who joined us on the evening, family and good friends. Photographs by Roger Alarcon.

'Rhiannon Lewis's Historical Debut to Victorina Press' originally posted by TLC


“The novel would not be what it is now without the help of [TLC editors] Karl French and Michael Langan. Karl read an early draft and his response made me realize that writing a novel was not beyond my capabilities. Reading his report was honestly one of the best moments of my life. Even though there was still work to do, he made me believe that I was not mad to think I could write an entire novel. The second reading by Michael Langan forced me to ask uncomfortable questions about aspects of the story that I thought were fixed. Going back to the book at that stage was very hard, but ultimately worth it. I still refer to both reports when I need words of wisdom and moral support.” 

Rhiannon Lewis's Historical Debut to Victorina Press

We are thrilled to announce that TLC writer Rhiannon Lewis will have her historical debut My Beautiful Imperial published by Victorina Press this December, with launches in Wales and in London. My Beautiful Imperial (initially submitted to TLC as Imperial) tells the story of a Welsh sea captain on a journey to South America.  Trapped by unfolding events in the Chilean Civil War, Davy believes he can turn things to his own advantage. Under duress, he accepts the captaincy of the steamship Imperial, and at first both fame and fortune follow. But the price of ambition is high, and the war, which promised so much, spells disaster for those around him. His hollow gains are outweighed by increasing losses, because no one can put a price on friendship, and love.

We showcased an earlier draft of the manuscript in 2016, which you can read in exclusive extract, along with a little of Rhiannon’s writing journey, here. We wish Rhiannon every success and are absolutely delighted that her writing has found a home.


Driven from all that matters, Davy has been sent away to sea. He must navigate a way between bullies and storms, just to survive. Against the odds, success is within reach – his first captaincy is promised and he has met Estella.

But revolution erupts in Chile. Davy’s new ship, the Imperial, is commandeered, along with its crew. Amidst the terror, Davy learns to call another country home. He learns that love and friendship have no borders of their own.

About Rhiannon

Rhiannon Lewis was born in Cardigan, West Wales, ann.d she comes from a long line of farmers and sailors. Her family was interested in history, and she grew up in an atmosphere of hand-me-down stories. One of those stories included her grandfather’s memories of Captain David Davies and the Chilean civil war. Educated at the Universities of Wales at Aberystwyth and Cardiff, Rhiannon worked as a teacher and lecturer before going on to work in public relations, marketing and communications. Whilst researching Captain David Davies’ background, Rhiannon discovered an amazing story that was crying out to be told. The result is My Beautiful Imperial. Rhiannon is married to Gareth, and they live in Wales and London. She has a son, Steffan, and two stepdaughters, Rebecca and Darcie.

At the printers

The final proofs for My Beautiful Imperial have gone off to the printers. From signing the contract in August to now, this has been a very quick process. I'd been told that publishers would normally take at least 18 months to two years from agreement to publication. One of the many advantages of going with a relatively small new press - in my case, Victorina Press. My advice to new authors: don't be fixated on securing a contract with the 'big' names just because you think it would sound good on your CV. Find the right publisher who will really care about your book and give it a proper home. 

So now the wait is on to see what it will look like 'in the flesh'!