One of my favourite short stories (yes, writers have favourites!), Gabriel's Halo, has been long listed for the InkTears short story competition. InkTears is one of the few competitions that will accept stories that have won prizes elsewhere. Gabriel's Halo won 1st prize back in November 2016 with Writers' Forum magazine. Some stories seem to have a life of their own when you let them go and this is a story which seems to appeal to all ages, all backgrounds. It's a story which is close to my heart. It was inspired by my wonderful Dad.
Mae gan awduron eu ffefrynnau. Mae'r stori, Gabriel's Halo, yn un o'm ffefrynnau i. Mae ar restr hir cystadleuaeth InkTears ar hyn o bryd. Croeswch eich bysedd! Mae InkTears yn un o'r cystadlaethau prin sy'n derbyn storïau sydd wedi ennill o'r blaen. Enillodd Gabriel's Halo'r wobr gyntaf ym mis Tachwedd 2016 gyda Writers' Forum. Mae rhyw fath o fywyd ar wahân gydag ambell stori, ac felly mae hi gyda hon. Mae'n apelio at bob oedran a phob cefndir am ryw reswm. Stori sy'n golygu llawer i fi gan yr ysbrydolwyd hi gan fy nhad annwyl.