Eternal anthology of award winning Short Stories

Eternal, award-winning short stories, is now available directly from Hammond House Publishing. My story, At a Junction, which was placed third in the competition is included. Entries came from all over the world: Australia, Scotland, Canada, England, USA, Nigeria, Denmark, New Zealand, Italy, Colombia, Republic of Georgia, Japan, Netherlands, Romania. I was the only author from Wales!

'A wonderfully diverse range of stories from over the world - each one inspired by and crafted from imaginations and experiences that take the reader on unique journeys. A real celebration of modern, global writing and its power.' Stuart Spendlow. Best selling author.


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Mae Eternal, award-winning short stories ar gael nawr oddi wrth Hammond House Publishing. Mae fy stori, At a Junction, a ddaeth yn drydedd yn y gystadleuaeth, wedi ei chynnwys yn y detholiad. Daeth yr ymgeiswyr o dros y byd: Awstralia, yr Alban, Canada, Lloegr, UDA, Nigeria, Denmarc, Seland Newydd, yr Eidal, Colombia, Georgia, Siapan, yr Iseldiroedd, Romania. Fi oedd yr unig awdur o Gymru!

'A wonderfully diverse range of stories from over the world - each one inspired by and crafted from imaginations and experiences that take the reader on unique journeys. A real celebration of modern, global writing and its power.' Stuart Spendlow. Best selling author.