The Walter Scott Prize Academy announces 2018 'recommended' list
Newyddion syfrdanol. Dewiswyd fy nofel, My Beautiful Imperial, i fod ar restr 'argymhellion' academi Gwobr Walter Scott. Mae'r datganiad swyddogol isod. Mae Gwobr Walter Scott ar gyfer ffuglen hanesyddol yn un o'r gwobrau llenyddol mwyaf nodedig yn y byd. Mae'n unigryw am wobrwyo ysgrifennu o ansawdd eithriadol sydd wedi'i osod yn y gorffennol. Mae'n fraint ac anrhydedd fod My Beautiful Imperial wedi cael ei dewis i fod ar y rhestr a argymhellir gan yr academi. Diolch i chi gyd am yr holl gefnogaeth, am ddarllen y llyfr ac anfon sylwadau mor ffafriol a gwresog. Gobeithio daw mwy o bobl i ddysgu am hanes Davy a'i gyfeillion wedi hyn, ac i ddysgu am hanes eithriadol Cymru a Chile.
Incredible news. My novel, My Beautiful Imperial, has been chosen by the Walter Scott Prize academy to be on its list of 'recommended' books. The official press release follows below. The Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction is one of the most prestigious literary prizes in the world. It is unique for rewarding writing of exceptional quality which is set in the past. It is an honour and a privilege for My Beautiful Imperial to be chosen for the 'recommended' list. Thank you, all of you, for the amazing support, for reading the book and for sending such warm and positive responses. Hopefully, many more people will now get to read about Davy and his friends, and learn more about the fascinating history of Wales and Chile.
“The Walter Scott Prize Academy today released their twenty recommended historical novels to have been published in the last year across the UK, Ireland and Commonwealth countries. Subjects and settings range from steamships in the Chilean Civil War to warships in Greenock during WW2, and from 1920s Hollywood to 18th century slavery in The Cape, and the list includes newly published historical novels from Australia, Canada, South Africa, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and England.
The Walter Scott Prize Academy Recommended Books are:
The Death of the Fronsac by Neal Ascherson (Apollo, UK)
Mrs Osmond by John Banville (Viking, UK)
Softness of the Lime by Maxine Case (Umuzi, South Africa)
He by John Connolly (Hodder & Stoughton, UK)
Larchfield by Polly Clark (Riverrun, UK)
Goblin by Ever Dundas (Saraband, UK)
The Water Beetles by Michael Kaan (Goose Lane Editions, Canada)
The Iron Age by Arja Kajermo (Tramp Press, Ireland)
My Beautiful Imperial by Rhiannon Lewis (Victorina Press, UK)
Soot by Andrew Martin (Corsair, UK)
Story Land by Catherine McKinnon (4th Estate, Australia)
Amah and the Silk-Winged Pigeons by Jocelyn Nullity (Inanna Publications, Canada)
See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt (Tinder Press, Australia)
A Boy in Winter by Rachel Seiffert (Virago, UK)
Speakeasy by Alisa Smith (Douglas & McIntyre, Canada)
A Reckoning by Linda Spalding (McClelland & Stewart, Canada)
The Secret Books by Marcel Theroux (Faber & Faber, UK)
The Esquimaux by Tom Tivnan (Silvertail Books, UK)
City of Crows by Chris Womersley (Picador, Australia)
The Photographer by Mieke Ziervoge (Salt, UK)
The twenty books recommended by the Academy are in addition to the Prize longlist of thirteen, which was released at the beginning of March. A shortlist will be announced in April.
The Walter Scott Prize Academy is an advisory group feeding into the submission process of the prestigious Walter Scott Prize, and comprises people at the centre of literary life in the UK and Commonwealth countries, including the artistic directors of book festivals around the world, leading book retailers and literary critics. The Academy was created two years ago to help broaden the reach of the Prize and strengthen its resources.
The Duchess of Buccleuch, the prize sponsor said:
“We’re delighted with the depth and richness of the recommended titles that our learned academy from home and overseas have brought to our attention. We would like to thank our Academy for giving us the opportunity to shine a light and share historical novels from further afield”
The full list of books, and a list of Academy members, is on the Walter Scott Prize website
Am fwy o wybodaeth/for more information got to
My Beautiful Imperial ar ganol y silff! My Beautiful Imperial on the middle of the shelf!